Friday, January 27, 2012

pretty things

The other day the amazing Mr. D. surprised me with this lovely 1940's dress I had been eying at Pickled Vintage's Etsy shop (recommended!) It fits almost to a tee, though I will probably take it in to have the waist slightly lowered (curse my long waist).

Now I am trying to justify a pair of Jeffrey Campbell wedges ( I doubt they'll go with the dress). They are completely impractical to my current life... but maybe changing my life to accommodate them would be a good thing! Especially since life right now has been very work centric. Need to get out!

Oh and my sugar free diet is still going, my big craving today was hot chocolate. I am not really seeing any amazing results, but will give it full month before I decide if it helped anything.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

It finally came, it's finally gone!

After a day delay the predicted snow came, the writers of the sign on the left (and in my previous entry) got their wish! It was fun for about a day, but this city is really not set up for snow and I am happy it's gone and everything is back to normal and getting about isn't a huge hassle.

In less snowy news, though white and powdery, I decided to try giving up sugar for a month. Today is day 4, I haven't been perfect... but then again my goal is mainly to cut out obvious sweets and sugar (cookies, pastries, ice cream etc.) and I have avoided those. There has certainly been temptation, probably the worst was walking past Beard Papa cream puffs after picking up groceries at Uwajimaya. I really wanted one of their éclairs. I keep telling myself it is only for a month and if this helps my skin look better it will be more than worth it. I have rosacea and sugar is supposed to be inflammatory, so hoping by avoiding it my skin will calm down (it hates this weather). Hey and maybe I'll lose a couple of pounds, which wouldn't be to bad either! If you are curious about some of the negative aspects of sugar here is an interesting article from the NY times: Is Sugar Toxic?

Pioneer Square in the snow.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Signs of Snow

The news has been buzzing with this huge snow storm that is supposedly brewing. Wandered to the top of Queen Anne for various errands including a tasty Top Pot donut and coffee. Thought maybe we would see some snow, the closest we got was the sign out side the Methodist church stating, "Let it Snow".  Maybe tonight.

Did run into a fashionable lady (I really should have asked her name!) and her to dogs on a walk. Really liked her vintage (1940's) brooch and victory curls, not to mention cute pups, Nicholas was sporting a spaniel mohawk. I really love people with a strong personal style, I am glad she let me take her snapshot.

Well should stop messing around online and get ready to go and grab pho with D.

Dapper Lady with companions Nicholas and Cordelia (in red)

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Wintery Sound

Yes, that is the spaceneedle.
I had the misfortune to spend the last few days with some form of stomach flu, not fun. However feeling mostly recovered today and a bit stir crazy I went for a short walk along one of my favorite parks in Seattle, Myrtle Edwards Park. Actually I think the part I was in is adjacent to it and belongs to the Port of Seattle. Still it has an amazing view of Puget Sound. It was trying to snow (or sleet or hail!), but there were still a lot of marine birds to be seen, even a cold wet looking heron (photo didn't really turn out). Stopped by the Happy Hooker to maybe pick up a warm beverage, but they were closed. They seem to have rather random hours so I am never sure. They sell beverages, snacks and fishing tackle. The sky was pretty spectacular, the photos don't do it justice! After a lovely, though rather nippy, stroll headed home to make veggie pho and finish the last of my grad school apps (all done!) Now I should really head off to bed as I have work tomorrow. Oh and unless it actually does start snowing, I'll be biking there via this park, such a fantastic commute!
ducks, geese, seagulls and more birds!!!
The Happy Hooker makes me happy

rosehips and dusting of snow
Alki (W.Seattle)

Friday, January 13, 2012

it's cold outside, even the trees have on their sweaters...

Lazy day adventures on a Northwest Winter day. For a while now the trees in Pioneer Square area have been donning colorful sweaters and even a few of the lamppost. I rather like how cheery they make things look. I wanted to take more photos, but my batteries died and my Daisu dollar store replacement batteries failed as well. Too bad. We had wandered up the Panama Hotel Tea House which I would have like to have gotten a few snaps of. Their tea is a bit overpriced, but the atmosphere is lovely and they have the nicest bathroom. There was also a very lovely sunset, which you can see me standing in front in my pink cords. (I think they need to be dyed darker, they have unfortunately faded and shrunk overtime). Next time spare batteries (ideally not Chinese ones bought for $1.50 for a pack of 6!).